This section of TIPS provides reports and data to support planning, analysis, assessment, and decision making for instructional (teaching) units within the college. Resources include departmental snapshots, and other reports and data on grades, courses, student demographics, graduation and transfer outcomes for first time in college students.

ACC Monitor What Matters

Access: Some reports will require Full Access (login required) to TIPS.

Course Completion & Withdrawal - Grade Distribution Summary

Access: ACC Full Access Required
Description: This report allows user to compare grade distribution for a certain segment over period of times. It can be segmented by various student demographics and course's characteristics.

Course Completion & Withdrawal - Grade Distribution

Access: ACC Full Access Required
Description: Various level of Grade Distribution. It allows advanced drill down capability - by student demographic, FTIC, course length, etc.

Departmental Snapshot

Access: Single Sign-On (SSO) with ACC Okta Required
Description: ACC implemented an ACC Snapshot and Departmental Snapshots to focus faculty and staff discussion on quality improvement strategies. ACC uses Departmental Snapshots to assess achievement of college-wide mission goals at the department level. These performance indicators allow departments to monitor their progress towards meeting enrollment targets, enhancing student success, and maintaining stewardship.

Enrollment by Faculty Type

Access: ACC Full Access Required

Description: Unduplicated faculty, primary sections, enrollment, average section size, credit and contact hours, by faculty type and discipline.

Instructional Program Review Reports

Access: Some reports will require Full access (login required) to TIPS.
Description: OIRA provides a variety of data resources to support the Program Review Process. Program Review is a faculty-led process designed to conduct an authentic and critically reflective assessment of every certificate and degree program that the College offers, including a review of student learning outcomes and the program's contribution to the College's mission.

Registration Report - Daily Percent-Full Sections Information

Access: Public (💡login as Guest only if you don't have TIPS account)

Description: Daily section activity by selected dean, department, location, and percent full during registration for selected semester.

Section Allocation Planning Tool

Access: Section Allocation Planning Group

Description: This tool uses enrollment and section data to compute the estimated number of sections needed by course or department, given a 95% section fill rate. This tool is intended to be used for course scheduling.

Student Profile

Access: Public Access

Student Profile - Additional Parameters

Access: ACC Full Access Required
Description: This report provides data generated on "Census Date / Official Reporting Date (ORD)" or "End of Term" at the college level, discipline level, declared major, or by region.

ACC Monitor What Matters

Access: Some reports will require Full Access (login required) to TIPS.

Course Progression

Description: Reports on student performance in course sequences and course completion data by student demographics.

Access: ACC Full Access Required

Example: Please click here for sample Course Progression.

ACC Success Chart - Based on 12th Class Day

Description: Tracking of students enrolled on the Official Reporting Date (ORD) to the End of Term and their successful completion. Report can be disaggregated by student demographic, faculty type, and course delivery type

Access: ACC Full Access Required

Example: Please click here for example Success Chart.

Departmental Snapshot

Access: Single Sign-On (SSO) with ACC Okta Required

Description: ACC implemented an ACC Snapshot and Departmental Snapshots to focus faculty and staff discussion on quality improvement strategies. ACC uses Departmental Snapshots to assess achievement of college-wide mission goals at the department level. These performance indicators allow departments to monitor their progress towards meeting enrollment targets, enhancing student success, and maintaining stewardship.

Description: Reports on student enrollments (headcount and course enrollments), credit hours, and contact hours at the college level, by location, and by additional parameters including gender, race/ethnicity, full-time/part-time, region, zip code, residency, age, degree program, and declared major.

  • Registration Report – Daily Percent-Full Sections Information
  • Section Allocation Planning Tool
  • Student Profile

Example: Please click here for example Enrollment Data report.

Student Profile

Access: Public Access

Student Profile - Additional Parameters

Access: ACC Full Access Required

Description: This report provides data generated on "Census Date / Official Reporting Date (ORD)" or "End of Term" at the college level, discipline level, declared major, or by region.

Student Headcount - Unduplicated Enrollment

Description: This report provides unduplicated student headcount for selected semester disaggregated by selected demographic parameters.

Course Enrollment

Access: ACC Full Access Required

Description: This report provides course enrollment numbers for selected semesters disaggregated by selected demographic parameters.

Enrollment by Faculty Type

Access: ACC Full Access Required

Description: Unduplicated faculty, primary sections, enrollment, average section size, credit and contact hours, by faculty type and discipline.

Registration Report - Daily Percent-Full Sections Information

Access: Public (💡login as Guest only if you don't have TIPS account)

Description: Daily section activity by selected dean, department, location, and percent full during registration for selected semester.

Section Allocation Planning Tool

Access: Section Allocation Planning Group

Description: This tool uses enrollment and section data to compute the estimated number of sections needed by course or department, given a 95% section fill rate. This tool is intended to be used for course scheduling.

Grade distributions at college, dean area, department, and course level. Report options include course type (course length, gatekeeper, distance learning), student demographics, full-time/part-time, FTIC, Pell and Non/Pell, and faculty type.

Example: Please click here for example Grade Data report.

Grade Distribution

Access: ACC Full Access Required

Description: Various level of Grade Distribution. It allows advanced drill down capability - by student demographic, FTIC, course length, etc.

Grade Distribution Summary

Access: ACC Full Access Required

Description: This report allows user to compare grade distribution for a certain segment over period of times. It can be segmented by various student demographics and course's characteristics.

Grade Distribution Dashboard

Accessible with ACC Okta Authentication only.

Description: The Grade Distribution Dashboard shows the grade distribution for students enrolled at ACC for the past few years. The information can be drilled down by Dean, Department, Course, various course related parameters (e.g., course modality, location, etc.), student demographic information, and other student characteristics (e.g. full-time/part-time, student type, etc.)

Heat Map

Access: ACC Network Required (💡login as Guest only if you don't have TIPS account)

Description: Heat map is a valuable way of identifying trends and patterns by color. It is intended to provide the user with a quick user-friendly synopsis of the data. The map has a color gradient ranging from blue to red. The data has been coded so that the red/brown (warm color) cells of the gradient represent areas for improvement/concern and the blue (cool color) cells represents the positive end of the continuum.

Course Withdrawal

Access: ACC Full Access Required

Description: This report generates withdrawal rates and reasons for withdrawal. It allows advanced drilled down capability (by student's demographic, FTIC, section weeks, etc).

Reason to Course Withdrawal by Week

Access: ACC Full Access Required

Description: This report generates reasons for withdrawal by withdrawal week (the week within the specific teaching session the withdrawal occurred). It allows advanced drilled down capability (by student's demographic FTIC, etc).

Program Completers Listing

Access: Student Level Group

Description: This utility allows users to create a list of program completers who meet particular criteria, such as graduates with a specific award or type of degree, or graduates who completed during a particular semester or academic year. In addition, users may obtain demographic data, award data, and student contact information including emails, phone numbers, and address for each program completer.

FTIC Time to Completion

Description: Reports on graduation/completions by major field of study, academic/workforce, STEM fields, and student demographics, graduation rates and time-to-degree. Access: ACC Full Access Required

Example: Please click here for example Graduation/Completions.

Description: These reports require no dynamic input parameters.

Description: This utility allows users to create a list of students who meet particular criteria, such as students with a specific declared major or who attend a specific campus, and obtain demographic, course, and campus data for this group of students. Users may obtain student information from the 12th class day (census day data), end of term, or current data.
A second option allows users to run the same type of reports for students enrolled only in online courses. Users may obtain student information for these reports from census day data or current data (no end of term data).

Student Listing - Census Day Data

Access: Student Level Group

Description: This report allows users to create a list of students who meet particular criteria, such as student with a particular declared major, gender, and obtain demographic and course data for the Official Reporting Date (ORD) /Census Day cohort.

Student Listing - End of Term Data

Access: Student Level Group

Description: This report allows users to create a list of students who meet particular criteria, such as student with a particular declared major, gender, and obtain demographic and course data for students enrolled at the End of Term.

Student Listings - Current Data

Access: Student Level Group

Description: This report allows users to create a list of students who meet particular criteria, such as student with a particular declared major, gender, and obtain demographic and course data for students enrolled for the semester selected. Data is from current student records (one day delayed).

Student Listings - Custom Report

Access: Student Level Group

Description: This report allows users to upload a custom list of students and obtain the demographic and course related data for the students.

Online Only Students - Census Day Data

Access: Student Level Group

Description: This report allows users to obtain a list of students enrolled only in online courses during the term selected from the Official Reporting Date (ORD) snapshot data.

Online Only Students - Current Data

Access: Student Level Group

Description: This report allows users to obtain a list of students enrolled only in online courses during the term selected from current student records (one day delayed).

First Time Online Learning Students - Current Data

Access: Student Level Group

Description: This report allows users to obtain a list of students enrolled in the term selected who are enrolled in at least one online course and who have not taken any online course in the previous 5 years. These courses include "Online-Test Anywhere" and "Online-Test On Campus" courses. Data is based on current students records (one day delayed).

Non Returning Student

Access: Student Level Group

Undergraduate Students Registered Any Time for the Term

Access: Student Level Group

Description: This report allows users to obtain a list of students enrolled in the term selected who are currently enrolled as well as those who enrolled and dropped for any reason.
Data is based on current students records (Data is refreshed every Friday).

Program Completers Listing

Access: Student Level Group

Description: This utility allows users to create a list of program completers who meet particular criteria, such as graduates with a specific award or type of degree, or graduates who completed during a particular semester or academic year. In addition, users may obtain demographic data, award data, and student contact information including emails, phone numbers, and address for each program completer.

FTIC Transfer
National Student Clearinghouse data and THECB data on ACC student transfers to other institutions of higher learning.Access: ACC Full Access Required

Example: Please click here for example Transfer Data.

Internal Reports
Click on the plus ➕ icon to expand and view report description.

To access TIPS dashboards and some other TIPS reports you need to be connected to the ACC Network.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C.§ 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. In accordance with FERPA, researchers need to be extremely cautious about releasing data that could lead to the identification of individual students, particularly when related to financial or performance data. Per OIRA guidelines, tables produced from TIPS intended for presentations or any other public release should have small cell sizes (N < 5) suppressed. By using the Austin Community College Information Portal (TIPS), you are agreeing to the FERPA statement above.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)