Departmental Snapshot

Access: Single Sign-On (SSO) with ACC Okta Required

Description: ACC implemented an ACC Snapshot and Departmental Snapshots to focus faculty and staff discussion on quality improvement strategies. ACC uses Departmental Snapshots to assess achievement of college-wide mission goals at the department level. These performance indicators allow departments to monitor their progress towards meeting enrollment targets, enhancing student success, and maintaining stewardship.

Labor Market Information Reports

Access: Public Access.

Description: The Labor Market Information Program Review Reports provide the following information: program definition, competitive landscape, labor market demand, and relevant skills. The reports are at the classification of instructional program (CIP) code level and use the CIP codes assigned to the credential(s) within ACC departments to derive the reports. The Office of Institutional Research and Analytics generates these reports via Lightcast Analyst, which sources data from government sources (Bureau of Labor Statistics, US Census Bureau, etc.), online job postings, and online profiles and resumes.

Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE)

The Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) provides a focus on educational activities and practices that research shows are related to student success. The survey provides ACC faculty and administrators with information on how students spend their time, what they feel they have gained from their classes, how the college supports their learning, and how they assess the quality of their interactions with faculty, counselors and peers.

Community College Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (CCFSSE)

The Community College Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (CCFSSE) is designed to mirror the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) and asks faculty about their perceptions regarding students’ educational experiences. The survey also elicits information from faculty about their teaching practices and the ways they spend their professional time, in and out of class.

Report # 4 – Grade Distribution Heat Maps

Access: Single Sign-On (SSO) with ACC Okta Required
Description: The Grade Distribution Heat Map available in this section provides a graphic representation of the grade distribution by race/ethnicity for all courses within a department. After this first section with the department totals, there is a section providing a similar graphic heat map for each course in the department.

Report # 5 – Student Profile – Declared Majors Reports

Access: Single Sign-On (SSO) with ACC Okta Required
Description: The TIPS Enrollment Data – Student Profile – Declared Majors Reports provide summary data describing the declared majors within a department. Data presented include: student headcount, semester credit hours, full-time student equivalent, contact hours, student status – fulltime/parttime, residency, gender, race/ethnicity, age.

Report #6 – Student Profile – Discipline Reports

Access: Single Sign-On (SSO) with ACC Okta Required

Description: The TIPS Enrollment Data – Student Profile – Discipline Reports provide summary data describing the students enrolled in the courses offered by a department. Similar to other Student Profile reports, data presented include: student headcount, semester credit hours, full-time student equivalent, contact hours, student status – fulltime/parttime, residency, gender, race/ethnicity, age.

ACC Fact Book

Select Fact Book, General Information, Current and Projected Population section.

Access: Public

Description: This weblink provides access to the annual ACC Fact Books published by OIRA. To see current and projected population of the ACC service area, select the most recent annual Fact Book year, and navigate to the General Information – Current and Projected Population section. This section of the Fact Book provides the population projections by race/ethnicity for the 18 to 44 year old age group, 25 to 44 year old age group, and the total population in the ACC service area.

Click on the plus ➕ icon to expand and view report description.

Questions or problems accessing these reports? Contact Lokraj Adhikari, +1 (512) 223-7602.