To use this dashboard download the Excel file from Box
ACCESS: ACC Authentication is required to download the file
A FastTrack Career Program provides students a path to earn short-term workforce credentials with labor market value in less than one year. This dashboard tracks information on Fast Track programs such as student headcount and completion. Future features will include persistence and post-completion outcomes (employment, wage improvement, etc.)
Access: Accessible on the ACC network only.
To use this dashboard download the Excel file from Box
ACCESS: ACC Authentication is required
This dashboard is updated after each Fall and Spring term. It can be used to track withdrawal behavior for the eight courses with highest enrollment and highest withdrawal rates, and those in focus for the ‘Change Initiatives Leadership Academy’ (CILA) program.
Access: Accesible with ACC Okta Authentication only.
ACC administers the Instructional Planning Survey annually to undergraduate credit and continuing education students. The dashboard reports which factors students indicate are most important when enrolling in courses, the registration experience, and student preferences for different types of courses for the next academic year. The undergraduate student dashboard allows for disaggregation by student characteristics, the continuing education dashboard reports results overall, and the department and major detail dashboard allows users to see results at the AOS, department, and declared major level.
Access: Okta Authentication Required
The Post Completion Outcomes Dashboard is currently not available. In the meantime, you can access the post completion outcomes data at the program level by accessing this file:
To access TIPS dashboards and some other TIPS reports you need to be connected to the ACC Network.