An abbreviation (acronym or initialism) is a word or name formed from the initial components of a longer name or phrase, usually using individual initial letters, as in ACC or FTIC. This list highlights some common terms and abbreviations used through the OIRA Site.
Glossary and Acronyms
Term / Acronym | Definition / Meaning |
12TH CLASS DAY DATA | data for fall or spring classes, as of the 12th class day of the 16-week session. (Official Reporting Date for the fall and spring semesters) |
4TH CLASS DAY DATA (SECOND SUMMER SESSION) | data for all summer classes, as of the 4th day of class of the second summer session. (Official Reporting Date for the summer semester) |
AA | see Associate of Arts. |
AAS | see Associate of Applied Science. |
AAT | see Associate of Arts in Teaching. |
ABE | see Adult Basic Education. |
ACADEMIC YEAR (AY) | begins the first day of the fall semester and ends the last day of the summer session of the following year. For example, Academic Year 2024 began September 1, 2023 and ended August 31, 2024. |
ACC | Austin Community College |
ACC TAXING DISTRICT | taxing jurisdictions that contribute funding for the College through property taxes. |
ADJUNCT FACULTY | non-staffing table personnel including part-time instructors who are employed on a term basis. |
ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL | exempt staffing table personnel including executive vice chancellors, vice chancellors, associate vice chancellors, provost, deans, and some directors. |
ADULT BASIC EDUCATION (ABE) | courses designed primarily for students 16 years of age and older to improve basic skills in reading, writing, and arithmetic. |
ADVANCED TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE | a certificate that has a defined associate or baccalaureate degree as a prerequisite. The Advanced Technical Certificate must consist of at least 16 SCH and no more than 45 SCH. It must be focused, clearly related to the prerequisite degree, and justifiable to meet industry or external agency requirements. |
AGS STAFF | AGS (Academic Guidance Services) Staff includes all staff working in academic advising, including Area of Study (AOS) Advisors, Success Coaches, and all other advisor types. |
AMP | Academic Master Plan |
ANNUAL HEADCOUNT | the number of students enrolled in one or more courses with each student counted only once for the year. |
ARQIP | Administrator Response to Quality Improvement Plan |
AS | see Associate of Science. |
ASP | Academic Support Plan |
ASSIGNABLE SQUARE FOOTAGE | the amount of space, within the interior walls of a room, that can be used for programs . Major room use categories are: classrooms, laboratories, offices, study areas, special use space, general use areas, support rooms, health care, residential, and unclassified space. |
ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE (AAS) | awarded to students who successfully complete the prescribed courses in any of the occupational-technical programs and the requisite 15 semester credit hours taken from the approved general education course list. |
ASSOCIATE OF ARTS (AA) | awarded to students who complete at least 60 semester credit hours, 42 of which must be taken from the core curriculum and eight semester credit hours of foreign language courses (all courses must be in the same foreign language). |
ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN TEACHING (AAT) | awarded to students who complete a degree aimed at those who wish to become certified teachers; includes the 42-semester credit hour core curriculum. |
ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE (AS) | awarded to students who complete at least 60 semester credit hours, 42 of which must be taken from the core curriculum, including six to eight semester credit hours of natural science courses. |
ATD | Achieving the Dream |
AVP | Associate Vice President |
AWARD | is any combination of courses and/or requirements leading to a degree or certificate. |
AY | see Academic Year. |
BACHELOR OF APPLIED SCIENCE (BAS) | a program designed for an individual who wants to complete a bachelor’s degree in Computer Information Technology. |
BACHELOR OF APPLIED TECHNOLOGY (BAT) | a program designed for an individual who wants to complete a bachelor’s degree in Applied Technology (multiple specializations). |
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING (BSN) | a RN-to-BSN program designed for Registered Nurses (RNs) who already have an associate degree or diploma and want to complete a bachelor degree in nursing. |
BAS | see Bachelor of Applied Science. |
BAT | see Bachelor of Applied Technology. |
BOT | Board of Trustees |
BSN | see Bachelor of Science in Nursing. |
BUILDING GROSS SQUARE FOOTAGE | total exterior gross square footage for a single building campus. |
BUILDING GROSS SQUARE FOOTAGE (ALL BUILDINGS) | total exterior gross square footage for a multiple building campus in which all buildings are occupied by ACC. |
BUILDING GROSS SQUARE FOOTAGE (OCCUPIED BUILDINGS) | total exterior gross square footage for only ACC occupied buildings on a campus. Does not include buildings occupied by other parties, vacant buildings, or buildings under renovation. |
CBM | Coordinating Board Management |
CBM### | Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Report ### |
CCC | see Core Curriculum Completer. |
CE | Continuing Education |
CERTIFICATE | awarded to students who complete one of the approved certificate programs. |
CG | Cluster Group |
CH | see Contact Hour. |
CICG | Credit Instruction Cluster Group |
CIP | see Classification of Instructional Programs. |
CISD | Consolidated Independent School District |
CLASSIFICATION OF INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAMS | provides a taxonomic scheme that supports the accurate tracking and reporting of fields of study and program completions activity. |
CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL | non-exempt staffing table personnel including administrative assistants, building attendants, clerks, library assistants, technical staff assistants, some technicians, etc. |
CONTACT HOUR | an instructional unit of time in which a student has contact with an instructor; includes lecture and/or laboratory time. |
CONTINUING EDUCATION | non-credit courses and programs, often in adult workforce or vocational areas. |
CORE CURRICULUM | consists of 42 credits that will automatically transfer to all Texas public colleges and universities. If a student satisfies all component areas, that block of courses must be substituted for the receiving institution’s core curriculum. |
CORE CURRICULUM COMPLETER (CCC) | a student that successfully completes the core curriculum. |
COURSE ENROLLMENT | the number of students registered for a course. |
CREDENTIAL OF VALUE | This term is defined by community college finance administrative rules for outcomes-based funding (House Bill 8). Credentials of value are any credential for which the typical graduate earns cumulative wages greater than the median cumulative earnings of a typical high school graduate and recoups the net cost of attendance within ten years of earning the credential. |
CREDIT TEACHING FACULTY | faculty who teach college credit courses; includes staffing table full-time and non-staffing table adjunct faculty. |
CT1 | see Level 1 Certificate. |
CT2 | see Level 2 Certificate. |
CT3 | see Enhanced Skills Certificate. |
CT4 | see Advanced Technical Certificate. |
CTG | Closing The Gaps (THECB) |
CTS | Corporate Training Solutions |
CYP | Cypress Creek Campus |
DAY AND EVENING STUDENTS | students enrolled both in courses that begin before 5:30 P.M. and those that begin after 5:30 P.M. |
DAY ONLY STUDENTS | students enrolled only in courses that begin before 5:30 P.M. |
DCIL | Dual Credit Independent Learners |
DEGREE | an award given as official recognition for the successful completion of a program of studies. |
DFW | Drop Fail Withdrawal |
DIR | see Direct Study Course. |
DIRECT STUDY (DIR) COURSE | students spend time at a social service, health, or government institution or other sites as a major part of their coursework; also have meetings on campus. |
DIRECT-TO-COLLEGE (DTC) | students who graduate from high school and enroll in a Texas college or university the following long semester (e.g., graduate in spring, enroll in fall). |
DISTANCE EDUCATION | includes non-traditional courses offered through Hybrid Distance (HYD), Online (ONL), and Synchronous Virtual Class Meetings Required (DLS). |
DISTANCE LEARNING WITH CAMPUS REQUIREMENT | course instruction is online. Tests are taken in the Instructional Testing Centers on campus. Distance Testing is not allowed. Students need to be aware of the on-campus testing requirement when registering. |
DISTANCE TESTING | most distance learning courses, including online classes, require you to take at least one proctored exam. If you live outside the Austin area or cannot travel to an ACC Testing Center, you may be able to have exams proctored at another location through the Distance Testing program. Note: Distance Testing is not allowed for DLC courses. |
DLC | see Distance Learning with Campus Requirement. |
DLS | see Synchronous Virtual Class Meetings Required. |
DOE | Department of Education |
DR | Data Request |
DUAL CREDIT | college courses that may count for both high school and college credit upon successful completion. |
DUPLICATED HEADCOUNT | occurs when a student is counted more than one time because they are enrolled in more than one course. For example, a student who attends several courses at one location and one or more courses at a second location is counted twice, once at each location. |
DUPLICATED RACE/ETHNICITY | students may be counted in more than one category based on their Race/Ethnicity selection with one exception: if students selected “Non-Resident Alien,” they were counted only as “Non-Resident Alien” (regardless of whether they selected an additional race/ethnicity). |
EARLY COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL (ECHS) | blends high school and college in a rigorous yet supportive program, compressing the time it takes to complete a high school diploma and the first two years of college. |
ECHS | see Early College High School. |
EGN | Elgin Campus |
ENHANCED SKILLS CERTIFICATE | any certificate for which a student must meet certain eligibility requirements prior to entry into the program. An Enhanced Skills Certificate program may consist of between 30 SCH and 51 SCH. Students enrolling in these programs are subject to the TSI requirements and may be subject to other eligibility requirements as determined by the institution. |
ENROLLMENT | see Course Enrollment. |
EOT | End of Term |
ERP | Enterprise Resource Planning |
ESL | English as Second Language |
EVC | Eastview Campus |
EVENING ONLY STUDENTS | students enrolled only in courses that begin after 5:30 P.M. |
EVP | Executive Vice President |
FAFSA | Free Application for Federal Student Aid |
FDE | First Day Extract |
FEDERAL POVERTY GUIDELINES | The federal poverty guidelines (FPG), issued annually by the Department of Health and Human Services, are based on federal poverty thresholds and used for administrative purposes (e.g., determining financial eligibility for certain federal programs) |
FICE CODE | Federal Interagency Committee on Education Code (IPEDS) |
FIELD OF STUDY (FOS) | facilitates transferability of lower-division academic courses among Texas public colleges and universities. |
FINANCIAL AID | grants, loans, assistantships, scholarships, fellowships, tuition waivers, tuition discounts, veteran’s benefits, employer aid (tuition reimbursement) and other monies (other than relatives/friends) provided to students to meet expenses. This includes subsidized and unsubsidized loans made directly to students. |
FIRST-TIME-IN-COLLEGE STUDENT (FTIC) | a student who has never attended college or any other postsecondary institution. Students are not reported as first-time-in-college until they have completed their high school work. |
FISCAL YEAR (FY) | an accounting period for 12 months that begins on September 1 and continues through August 31 of the following year. |
FOS | see Field of Study. |
FTACC | First Time at ACC |
FTIC | see First Time in College. |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol |
FTSE | see Full Time Student Equivalent. |
FULL-TIME FACULTY | staffing table personnel with faculty status including counselors, librarians, and teaching faculty. |
FULL-TIME STUDENT | a full-time student is one who is enrolled in the fall, spring, or summer semester with 12 or more semester credit hours. Under federal financial aid guidelines, a student is considered full-time if they are enrolled for at least 75% of the normal full-time credit hour load. For institutions operating on a semester calendar, the normal full-time load is 15 semester credit hours during the fall or spring semester. |
FULL-TIME STUDENT EQUIVALENT (FTSE) | the total semester credit hours divided by 15, which is considered to be a full-time course load. |
FY | Fiscal Year |
FYSE | First Year Seminar |
GED | see General Education Development. |
GED GRADUATE | a student who successfully passed the General Education Development (GED) exam. |
GENERAL EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT (GED) | an exam for students whose high school education was interrupted. |
GPA | Grade Point Average |
HBC | Highland Business Center |
HEGIS | (IPEDS) - The Higher Education General Information Survey |
HIGH-DEMAND FIELD | this is a term defined by community college finance administrative rules for outcomes based funding (House Bill 8). High-demand fields are identified by labor market data as occupations where large numbers of employees are estimated to be needed. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) identifies both a state and regional list of high-demand fields for which colleges receive additional HB 8 funding beyond the standard Credential of Value levels. |
HLC | Highland Campus |
HR | Human Resources |
HTML | Hyper Text Markup Language |
HYBRID CAMPUS (HYC) COURSE | instruction is 50% or more on campus with the remaining instruction online. |
HYBRID DISTANCE (HYD) COURSE | instruction is 51% or more online with some on-campus meetings. |
HYC | see Hybrid Campus Course. |
HYD | see Hybrid Distance Course. |
HYS | Hays Campus |
ICLC | see Institutional Credential Leading to Licensure or Certification |
IN-DISTRICT | students who live within ACC’s tax-paying districts and pay taxes in support of the college and receive lower in-district tuition rates. Students who live or own property within the City of Austin or the Austin, Del Valle, Elgin, Hays, Leander, Manor, or Round Rock Independent School Districts, as well as portions of the Eanes and Pflugerville Independent School Districts are considered in-district students. |
INA | see Institutional Award. |
INACTIVE PROGRAM | is a program that is no longer offered. |
INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT (ISD) | is a type of school district for primary and secondary education, which operates as an entity that is independent and separate from any municipality, county, or state. The administrative leadership of such districts is selected from within the district itself and has no direct responsibility to any other governmental authority. This independence normally also implies that the district has its own taxing authority that is outside of the direct control of other governmental entities. |
INSTITUTIONAL AWARD | an award that provides additional specialized training that represents achievement of an identifiable skill proficiency; however these types of certificates do not apply toward a college credential. |
INSTITUTIONAL CREDENTIAL LEADING TO LICENSURE OR CERTIFICATION (ICLC) | a credential awarded by an institution upon a student's completion of a course or series of courses that represent the achievement of identifiable skill proficiency and leading to licensure or certification. |
INSTRUCTIONAL TELEVISION (ITV) | using recorded video programs shown on cable TV. |
INTERNATIONAL | is a student or exchange visitor in the United States with F, M, or J non-immigrant status. |
IPC | Institutional Planning Council |
IPEDS | Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System |
IPR | Instructional Program Review |
IPRS | Instructional Program Review Summary |
IR | Institutional Research |
IRB | Institutional Review Board |
ISD | see Independent School District. |
ITV | see Instructional Television. |
KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR (KPI) | a measurable indicator of progress aligned with an initiative or goal. |
KPI | see Key Performance Indicator. |
LEVEL 1 CERTIFICATE (CT1) | can be completed by a student in one calendar year or less. It must consist of at least 15 SCH and no more than 42 SCH. Level one certificate programs are exempt from TSI requirements, but certificate programs may perform local assessment and remediation of students, provided that these activities do not exclude the student from enrollment in the certificate program. |
LEVEL 2 CERTIFICATE (CT2) | any certificate for which a student must meet certain eligibility requirements prior to entry into the program. A CT2 program may consist of between 30 SCH and 51 SCH. Students enrolling in these programs are subject to the TSI requirements and may be subject to other eligibility requirements as determined by the institution. |
LOW INCOME (3-factor) | Students identified as low-income in this OIRA index meet at least one of the following items: (1) self-reported household income data from ACC applications within the most recent five years of the student's enrollment with low income defined as <$30K annually (criteria changed from <$25K as of fall 23), (2) THECB economic disadvantage flag, (3), Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) Unemployment Insurance (UI) Wage data shows student’s full-time equivalent annual wage as of the four quarters before the student’s first enrollment at ACC (or five years ago, whichever is more recent) compared to 200% Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG) for single households or 0 income (<$26K). |
MIP | Mini Improvement Plan |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MTD | Mid Term Date. For Fall and Spring terms, this date refers to the last add/drop period of the 2nd 8-weeks session. For Summer term, this date refers to the last add/drop period of the 2nd 5.5-weeks session. |
NAICS | North American Industry Classification System |
NCBO | Non-Course Based Option |
NCCBP | National Community College Benchmark Project |
NCES | The National Center for Education Statistics |
NON-RESIDENT ALIEN | see U.S. Nonresident. |
NORTH STAR COMPLETION RATE | ACC's North Star is our Theory of Change goal to reach a 70% 3-year completion rate by 2030. For this goal, completion includes full-time and part-time first-time-in-college (FTIC) Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) cohort students graduating (i.e., completing an associate degree, bachelor’s degree, or credit certificate), completion of other awards (i.e., Continuing Education certificate, institutional award, or occupational skills award), and transfer to a 2-/4-year institution within 3 years. For simplicity, 3 years (i.e., 150% of the intended completion time for a 2-year degree) is used across the board as most of our graduates earn associate degrees or shorter. Students who meet multiple completion criteria are counted once in the following priority order: graduation, other completion, transfer. |
NRG | Northridge Campus |
OCCUPATIONAL SKILLS ACHIEVEMENT (OSA) | a sequence of courses that meet the minimum standard for program length specified by the Texas Workforce Commission for the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) program (9-14 SCH for credit courses or 144-359 contact hours for workforce continuing education courses). |
ODS | Operational Data Store |
OFF-CAMPUS | includes all non-campus locations such as distance education and site based. |
OFFICIAL REPORTING DATES | Fall/Spring: 12th Class Day Summer: 4th Class Day (Second summer session) |
OIRA | Office of Institutional Research and Analytics |
ONL | see Online Course. |
ONLINE (ONL) COURSE | course instruction and testing are fully online without required class times. |
ORD | see Official Reporting Date. |
OSA | see Occupational Skills Achievement. |
OUT-OF-DISTRICT | a student who is a Texas resident but lives outside the ACC taxing district. An additional per credit hour out-of-district fee is charged to out-of-district students. |
OUT-OF-STATE | a student who has not been a Texas resident for at least one year. |
PART-TIME STUDENT | a part-time student is one who is enrolled in the fall, spring, or summer semester with less than 12 semester credit hours. |
PARTICIPANT | a student who completes all required baseline assessments and 12 instructional contact hours in the Adult Basic Education (ABE), General Education Development (GED), or English-as-a-Second Language (ESL) program. |
Persistence rate | Persistence rate is the percentage of students enrolled in a given term by Official Reporting Date (ORD) who returned or graduated in a subsequent term by ORD. Fall-to-fall persistence is the percentage of students enrolled in a given fall term who returned or graduated the following fall term. Fall-to-spring persistence is the percentage of students in a given fall term who returned or graduated the following spring term. Persistence can be measured overall or for specific student groups (e.g., all undergraduate credit students, first-time-in-college credit students, etc.). |
PGM | see Program of Study. |
PIN | Pinnacle Campus |
PRINT-BASED (PRN) COURSE | students use textbooks and study guides. |
PRN | see Print-based Course. |
PROFESSIONAL/TECHNICAL PERSONNEL | exempt staffing table personnel including analysts, some coordinators, managers, some specialists, staff interpreters, and supervisors. |
PROGRAM OF STUDY (PGM) | represents the program area and is not an award. |
PSF | Program Status Form |
QIP | Quality Improvement Plan |
RFP | Request for Proposal |
RGC | Rio Grande Campus |
RRC | Round Rock Campus |
RVS | Riverside Campus |
SAC | South Austin Campus |
SACS | Southern Association of Colleges and Schools |
SACSCOC | Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges |
SAP | Satisfactory Academic Progress |
SAP | Standards of Academic Progress (Financial Aid) |
SAS | Statistical Analysis System |
SCH | see Semester Credit Hour. |
SEMESTER CREDIT HOUR (SCH) | a unit of measure of instruction consisting of 60 minutes of which 50 minutes must be direct instruction. For example, PSYC-2301 meets for three hours a week and is worth three semester credit hours. |
SERVICE AREA | the territory in which the College provides services. |
SITE-BASED INSTRUCTION | includes credit classes staffed by ACC but offered at locations not owned by ACC. |
SOC | Standard Occupational Classification |
SQL | Structured Query Language |
SSI | Student Satisfaction Inventory - Noel-Levitz Survey |
SSI | Student Success Initiative |
SSR | Support Services Review |
STAFFING TABLE PERSONNEL | personnel in an annually budgeted position including full-time faculty, non-exempt (Classified), and exempt (Professional-Technical) employees who are eligible for benefits. Hourly and adjunct faculty are not included as staffing table employees. |
STEM | Science, Technology, Engineering and Math |
STUDENT HEADCOUNT | the number of students enrolled in one or more courses. This number may be duplicated or unduplicated. |
SUNSET PROGRAM | a program that is no longer active, but students who have already started the program while it was active, may be allowed to complete the degree plan. |
SVC | Service Center |
SWOT | Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats |
SYNCHRONOUS VIRTUAL CLASS MEETINGS REQUIRED (DLS) | course instruction is fully online with required online meetings during the specified days and times listed. |
TACC | Texas Association of Community Colleges |
TAIR | Texas Association of Institutional Research |
TEA | Texas Education Agency |
TEC | Texas Education Code |
TEMPORARY FULL-TIME FACULTY | adjunct faculty who teach a full-time load on a temporary basis and receive benefits. |
TEXAS HIGHER EDUCATION COORDINATING BOARD (THECB) | a statutory 15-member board appointed by the Governor. It is responsible for statewide planning and policy-making to assure quality and efficiency in Texas higher education. The Board’s primary areas of responsibility are financial planning, senior colleges and universities, community colleges and continuing education, health affairs, student services, and campus planning. |
TEXAS WORKFORCE COMMISSION (TWC) | evaluates and provides partial funding for the Adult Education Program. |
THECB | Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board |
TIPS | The Informational Portal System |
TSI | Texas Success Initiative |
TUITION | amount of money charged to students for instructional services. |
TWC | see Texas Workforce Commission. |
UNDUPLICATED HEADCOUNT | the sum of students enrolled in credit courses with each student counted only once during the reporting period. |
UNDUPLICATED RACE/ETHNICITY | students were counted in only one category based on their Race/Ethnicity selection. “Two or more” includes non-Hispanic students that selected more than one race category. |
U.S. Nonresident | a person who is not a citizen or national of the United States and who is in this country on a visa or temporary basis and does not have the right to remain indefinitely. |
VCT | Virtual College of Texas |
VFA | Voluntary Framework of Accountability |
WDC | Workforce Development Center |