A new edition of the Data Debrief video series is now available from the Office of Institutional Research and Analytics (OIRA). In the video, Dr. Jenna Cullinane Hege focuses on two recent surveys conducted by OIRA to inform instructional and course schedule planning in AY 2023.

The Instructional Planning Survey examines student preferences for different course modalities from face-to-face, online asynchronous, and online synchronous to hybrid and hyflex. Current students expressed a stronger preference for distance learning, while applicants indicated a stronger preference for in-person learning. Both groups expressed an interest in hyflex, which is an in-person course that allows students to join virtually on any given class period.

The 8-Week Course Preference Survey examines the experiences of students taking 8-week courses in spring 2022. The overwhelming majority liked the 8-week format and would like to see more 8-week offerings, especially in liberal arts, computer science/IT, and business. Students liked that 8-week courses allowed them to take more courses in a term, complete a two-course sequence in a term, and the shorter length fits better into their work/life schedules.