This map has been developed to help identify areas of the ACC six county service area with a large population of people ages 25-44 and low socio-economic status (low SES). Many government programs use 200% of Federal Poverty Guidelines to establish eligibility for social services. The darkest purple area on the map show block groups that fall into this category and indicate the greatest poverty. Areas with large numbers of people in the target age range are outlined in green.

Navigating the map:

  • Click on the map for a popup with detailed information about each block group.
  • There are two pie charts in the popup (race/ethnicity and age percentages). To navigate between them click on the small arrow to right or left of the chart that is currently visible.
  • Turquoise check boxes in the legend turn layers on and off.
  • Three dots to the right of each legend item offer more options.
  • Arrow tab at the bottom of the map will display tables.


  • Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey five year estimates.
  • US Census Bureau American Community Survey poverty data may not be available for a particular block group due to federal guidelines protecting disclosure of data about individuals or due to issues of low levels of statistical reliability.
  • For more information about the Federal Poverty Guidelines, please click on the following weblink:

Updated: 05/22/2019