Instructional Planning Survey

This episode of the Data Debrief Series explores the first student survey for the academic year 2024.–the Instructional Planning Survey

Once a year, the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment (OIRA) reaches out to all undergraduate and continuing education students to better understand student experiences with finding and registering for courses. This survey captures students’ perspectives on their enrollment experiences and preferences for various modalities, session lengths, campuses, time of day, and more. The results of this survey offer valuable insights into the needs and expectations of our students and help us improve our offerings and services to better serve our community.

The Instructional Planning Survey is a key component of the college’s new Strategic Scheduling approach, which was one of the Chancellor Priorities last year. This year, the college will begin implementing the new process to develop an annual schedule (instead of term by term) that uses data and centers on providing students with what they need to complete courses and programs expeditiously.